
Sunday, December 5, 2010

20 Killer Symptoms of Virus Affected Computer | Is your PC Virus Free?

There are no computer users in the world who haven’t yet affected by any viruses. Some virus acts instantly but some of the minor viruses acts slowly and the computer acts slowly as per the virus orders.
In this post I will tell you about some criteria by which you can treat your PC as a virus affected computer and then, you will easily be able to take any attempt to fix it.
1. Computer works slowly than before.
2. The free space of Hard Disc will be reduced automatically.
3. Mouse & Keyboard will not work properly.
4. Applications & Software will take more time to be loaded.
5. Games will take more time to be loaded.
6. The rate of Disk Bad Sector will be increased and it will be repeated again & again.
7. Computer will show some irrelevant error message.Virus Computer
8. Important documents will automatically be wiped out.
9. Sometimes RAM information will be showed less. For instance, if your RAM is 512 MB; it will show 400 MB.
10. Several unknown file extensions will be found.
11. Disc Volume level could be changed.
12. It will take more time to save any data in your computer.
13. Computer will run or close any programs or applications automatically by itself without any order.
14. CD & DVD Rom will not work properly.
15. Computer will be restarted without any reason.
16. If you write a URL on address bar it may redirect you to another unknown website.
17. An annoying message can be pop-up again & again. If you close; it will pop-up again.
18. Applications that you are using can lose some files. So some application will not run.
19. Virus slows the Internet connection as it steal information during you connected with Internet.
20. Some virus can destroy your total computer system and that’s why you will not be able to turn on your computer.
That is all about that horrific viruses can do. There are lots of viruses available and any of these can attack your pc anytime. So be careful about the applications & software you are using.
Wishing you a virus free smart computing life.

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