
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Counter Strike: Source Gets a Facelift

Yes, a “pro” action gamer will always have his (and in the remote chance that there is one) or her Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Team Fortress 2 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 but the giant that is Counter Strike never really had a Counter Strike 2 did it? It received a facelift once with Counter Strike: Source – bringing in most of the Havoc physics of the Source engine from Half Life 2. Yet, even with its teeming populace of obsessed gamers, it never felt like playing a next-gen action game.
Now, with 144 achievements, lifetime player stats, a cinematic death camera (which I have yet to see) and a domination-revenge system and much, much more, playing Counter Strike: Source with the updated Source Engine 2009 feels every bit like playing a next-gen FPS. Playing it through, however, is just the same. Nevertheless there was some difficulty getting games as the Indian servers I used to play in were not responding – or their machines had not been updated to the new CS:S.
Yes, there are inane achievements, yes the scoreboard looks weird and yes there will not be a custom name for your player within the game (your player name will be the same as your Steam community name). With Steam pushing in a 66% discount for buyers as well as introducing Steam Play (i.e. the game can be played on the same servers from a Mac) the game looks set to be bigger than ever.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to hunt for some newbs who have been baited by the 66% discount.


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