Thanks to Apple, Vietnam sure is grabbing a lot of headlines nowadays. A few days ago, got their hands on the upcoming MacBook, and the iPhone HD/4G. Now has managed to get their hands dirty with an iPod Touch that has a 2-megapixel camera at its back! The device has a ‘DVT-11′ code written at its back, which points to this device being an early prototype. The serial key of the device shows that this it is a 3rd generation iPod touch, manufactured in late 2009.
The device has 64 GB of memory, as indicated by the ‘64G’ written on the device. The 2-megapixel camera is manufactured by Omnivision. The device was shown running the iPhone OS 3.1 when connected to a computer. Apple might release a new iPod Touch with camera at the upcoming WWDC on June 7th. Users can check the leaked iPod Touch pictures here.
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